Want to know the secret to getting under the bar FAST and hitting that next PR?

I'll show you a simple, safe and effective way to get under the bar FAST (without getting injured) and hit a guaranteed PR

Want to know the secret to getting under the bar FAST and hitting that next PR?

I'll show you a simple, safe and effective way to get under the bar FAST (without getting injured) and hit a guaranteed PR

Why is it that some athletes hit PR after PR and some stay stuck in a plateau for months on end?

Is it their genetics?

Do they have better mobility?

Do they have more confidence than you?

Well, what if I told you, it’s NONE of those things?

Which is GREAT news for you.

Because that means……you too can hit PR after PR regardless of your ‘natural strength’, talent, genetics, mobility or confidence.

Why is it that some athletes hit PR after PR and some stay stuck in a plateau for months on end?

Is it their genetics?

Do they have better mobility?

Do they have more confidence than you?

Well, what if I told you, it’s NONE of those things?

Which is GREAT news for you.

Because that means……you too can hit PR after PR regardless of your ‘natural strength’, talent, genetics, mobility or confidence.

Imagine how awesome you could feel smashing training cycle after training cycle without technical frustrations holding you back!

A bit like…

Imagine how awesome you could feel smashing training cycle after training cycle without technical frustrations holding you back!

A bit like…

David Bruno: “What I learned will stay with me FOREVER”

“I signed up, not really knowing what to expect. I was simply inspired by your story, having read your book, and informed by your training tips on Instagram. Thank you for being patient with me, from switching the prompts when they weren't cutting through, for teaching me to Snatch and Jerk for the very first time, and for helping me find my legs - I certainly won't be forgetting to "kick & catch”

David Bruno: “What I learned will stay with me FOREVER”

“I signed up, not really knowing what to expect. I was simply inspired by your story, having read your book, and informed by your training tips on Instagram. Thank you for being patient with me, from switching the prompts when they weren't cutting through, for teaching me to Snatch and Jerk for the very first time, and for helping me find my legs - I certainly won't be forgetting to "kick & catch"  I'm looking forward to picking up where I left off, in the comfort of my own home.”

Or Carl: “This is one the best investments you can make if you want to improve your Olympic lifting"

“The level of coaching by Michaela whether for the whole group or individual guidance is first class. Michaela provides direct, constructive, positive insight backed up by first-hand, world-class experience has really helped me understand where I can make real progress in my lifting journey.”

Carl: “This is one the best investments you can make if you want to improve your Olympic lifting"

“The level of coaching by Michaela whether for the whole group or individual guidance is first class. Michaela provides direct, constructive, positive insight backed up by first-hand, world-class experience has really helped me understand where I can make real progress in my lifting journey.”

Jamie Reeve: “This course was a game-changer for me!!”

“It’s the way you coach, breaking everything day into internal or external cues to help understand the “WHY” we are doing what we are doing and how we are doing it. And you change the internal/external cues for every individual so that it resonates with them and they get that lightbulb moment!!I cannot sing your praises enough!!On a side note I loved all the stories you told us during your Olympic career!! It’s another world that I would never have heard about!! 🔥🙌”

Jamie Reeve:

“This course was a game-changer for me!!”

“It’s the way you coach, breaking everything day into internal or external cues to help understand the “WHY” we are doing what we are doing and how we are doing it. And you change the internal/external cues for every individual so that it resonates with them and they get that lightbulb moment!!I cannot sing your praises enough!! On a side note I loved all the stories you told us during your Olympic career!! It’s another world that I would never have heard about!! 🔥🙌"

Now…before we get into HOW David, Carl & Jamie achieved these results…let me ask…

How many of the following are you currently struggling with?

Now…before we get into HOW David, Carl & Jamie achieved these results…let me ask…

How many of the following are you currently struggling with?

❌ You have a fear of failing a lift…especially when the weights get heavier.

Your technique breaks down when the weights increase.

❌ Your lifts are stagnant and you haven’t hit a PR in months.

Your elbows are slow when receiving a clean.

❌ You get information overload then forget everything when you lift!

You can do a great overhead squat but can’t seem to drop under the bar at speed in snatches or cleans.

❌ You don’t know how or where to start.

You lose motivation quickly, or get frustrated when you get stuck in a plateau.

❌ You have an early arm bend that you can’t seem to fix.

If you can relate to some or ALL of the above the truth is:

❌ You have a fear of failing a lift…especially when the weights get heavier.

Your technique breaks down when the weights increase.

❌ Your lifts are stagnant and you haven’t hit a PR in months.

Your elbows are slow when receiving a clean.

❌ You get information overload then forget everything when you lift!

You can do a great overhead squat but can’t seem to drop under the bar at speed in snatches or cleans.

❌ You don’t know how or where to start.

You lose motivation quickly, or get frustrated when you get stuck in a plateau.

❌ You have an early arm bend that you can’t seem to fix.

If you can relate to some or ALL of the above the truth is:

You’re making 3 BIG mistakes when it comes to hitting your next PR

MISTAKE #1: Doing it on your own

What happens when you try to hit that illusive PR on your own?

Chances are, you already know…you feel anxious as the weights get heavier…

You secretly worry about injuring yourself with poor technique…

And the frustration of being stuck in a plateau makes you wonder, “Am I cut out for this?”

So here's the secret: when you surround yourself with driven, like-minded athletes, you raise your OWN bar.

You overcome those technical challenges as a team…

And celebrate victories together…

Their energy sparks yours, their wins inspire you, and their challenges make you stronger.

Think about it like this…

You see someone hit a new PR, and suddenly everyone in the gym starts feeling energised and pushing for their own.

That's the power of community and being part of a team.

But don’t take my word for it….

Listen to my clients…

You’re making 3 BIG mistakes when it comes to hitting your next PR

MISTAKE #1: Doing it on your own

What happens when you try to hit that illusive PR on your own?

Chances are, you already know…you feel anxious as the weights get heavier…

You secretly worry about injuring yourself with poor technique…

And the frustration of being stuck in a plateau makes you wonder, “Am I cut out for this?”

So here's the secret: when you surround yourself with driven, like-minded athletes, you raise your OWN bar.

You overcome those technical challenges as a team…

And celebrate victories together…

Their energy sparks yours, their wins inspire you, and their challenges make you stronger.

Think about it like this…

You see someone hit a new PR, and suddenly everyone in the gym starts feeling energised and pushing for their own.

That's the power of community and being part of a team.

But don’t take my word for it….

Listen to my clients…

Beth Connon: “My Technique has massively improved.”

The opportunity to learn from Michaela was unmissable. My technique has improved massively

and having spent five mornings drilling in correct form and personalised tweaks in an inclusive, friendly environment has really awakened my love of the sport.

I cannot praise highly enough, the simplicity of coaching cues, the level of detail and Michaela’s own passion is what makes her a fantastic coach.

Beth Connon:

“My Technique has improved massively.”

The opportunity to learn from Michaela was unmissable. My technique has improved massively and having spent five mornings drilling in correct form and personalised tweaks in an inclusive, friendly environment has really awakened my love of the sport. I cannot praise highly enough, the simplicity of coaching cues, the level of detail and Michaela’s own passion is what makes her a fantastic coach.

Victoria Laurie: “Michaela is a combo of every trait you hope to find in a professional coach and her classes are a wonderful experience”

“Michaela is combo of every trait you hope to find in a professional coach and her classes are a wonderful experience that I think literally anyone – from novice to expert – could benefit from. I’m so, so grateful to her, and thrilled that I’ve had the distinct advantage of discovering her this way. I can’t wait to learn more and keep adjusting my technique. I seriously haven’t been this excited about lifting in years, and I swear that if you’re willing to give her just two weeks, you’ll see incredible improvements too.”

Victoria Laurie: “Michaela is a combo of every trait you hope to find in a professional coach and her classes are a wonderful experience”

“I think literally anyone – from novice to expert – could benefit from. I’m so, so grateful to her, and thrilled that I’ve had the distinct advantage of discovering her this way. I can’t wait to learn more and keep adjusting my technique. I seriously haven’t been this excited about lifting in years, and I swear that if you’re willing to give her just two weeks, you’ll see incredible improvements too.”

MISTAKE #2: Not getting support from a coach

Ever feel like your lifts are stagnant and you’re pushing through endless sets without seeing any progress?

Well there's an invisible law that when used to your advantage can help you hit PR after PR...

It's called "The Hawthorne Effect"

This scientific law states that simply being observed can elevate your performance...

That's right...

Using this simple law to your advantage can help you hit PRs with ease and smash through plateaus.

A champion coach working with you and checking in on your progress is THE HAWTHORNE EFFECT in action...

And believe makes all the difference.

They analyse, personalise, and motivate, ensuring confidence on the platform.

Say goodbye to generic advice and boring workouts.

Having a coach is your secret weapon to:

Smashing through plateaus: Say goodbye to elusive PRs; watch them become your new benchmark.

✅ Master your technique: Bid farewell to frustrating form breakdowns. Have access to a community to spot and correct every tiny mistake, paving the way for flawless lifts.

Stay fired up: Motivation ebbs and flows, but a coach can be there to push you towards your goals even when the bar feels heavy.

✅ Conquer mental roadblocks: Doubt, fear, and anxiety can cripple your progress. A coach can help you overcome negativity and embrace your full potential.

MISTAKE #2: Not getting support from a coach

Ever feel like your lifts are stagnant and you’re pushing through endless sets without seeing any progress?

Well there's an invisible law that when used to your advantage can help you hit PR after PR...

It's called "The Hawthorne Effect"

This scientific law states that simply being observed can elevate your performance...

That's right...

Using this simple law to your advantage can help you hit PRs with ease and smash through plateaus.

A champion coach working with you and checking in on your progress is THE HAWTHORNE EFFECT in action...

And believe makes all the difference.

They analyse, personalise, and motivate, ensuring confidence on the platform.

Say goodbye to generic advice and boring workouts.

Having a coach is your secret weapon to:

Smashing through plateaus: Say goodbye to elusive PRs; watch them become your new benchmark.

✅ Master your technique: Bid farewell to frustrating form breakdowns. Have access to a community to spot and correct every tiny mistake, paving the way for flawless lifts.

Stay fired up: Motivation ebbs and flows, but a coach can be there to push you towards your goals even when the bar feels heavy.

✅ Conquer mental roadblocks: Doubt, fear, and anxiety can cripple your progress. A coach can help you overcome negativity and embrace your full potential.

Sherri – NYC - "This has been an incredible experience.”

Today things really started to click for me and I could FEEL what you’ve been saying about using our legs for speed under the bar. Also, even distribution of weight between our legs on the split jerk and especially about keeping the bar low and not riding it in with those power snatches. I could actually feel it staying low. I also feel my landing is much more even and solid – not on my toes as much. I am just generally much more aware of my body and positioning. One day I hope to be able to make it to your gym in person but in the interim, this has been an incredible experience.”

Sherri – NYC - "This has been an incredible experience.”

“Today things really started to click for me and I could FEEL what you’ve been saying about using our legs for speed under the bar. Also, even distribution of weight between our legs on the split jerk and especially about keeping the bar low and not riding it in with those power snatches. I could actually feel it staying low. I also feel my landing is much more even and solid – not on my toes as much. I am just generally much more aware of my body and positioning. This has been an incredible experience.”

Amy Staded: “Great coaching cues that are simple to understand and effective .”

“It's So good to be coached by someone with so much experience and knowledge. Lots to take on board and great coaching cues that are simple to understand and effective. Even though the sessions were in small groups, Michaela gave great one-to-one coaching and I can already feel the improvement in technique.”

Amy Staded: Great coaching cues that are simple to understand and effective.”

"It's So good to be coached by someone with so much experience and knowledge. Lots to take on board and great coaching cues that are simple to understand and effective. Even though the sessions were in small groups, Michaela gave great one-to-one coaching and I can already feel the improvement in technique."

MISTAKE #3: No Technical Feedback

Imagine this: you're in your car, behind the wheel, blindfolded, speeding towards a weightlifting competition.

Every turn of the wheel is a guess and a potential disaster.

Would you even consider it?

Of course not!

Yet, so many weightlifters attempt to navigate their training sessions in the same way, relying on guesswork instead of crucial technical feedback.

It's like trying to hit a PR under the bar while blindfolded – at best, riddled with errors, at worst, an injury waiting to happen.

Technical feedback is your training's GPS.

It guides you, corrects your course, and keeps you on the path to progress.

Every lift becomes an opportunity to learn, grow, and refine your technique.

It's not just about avoiding mistakes; it's about maximising your potential and unlocking hidden gains.

Just think:

No more plateaus: By identifying and addressing technical flaws, you can break through frustrating roadblocks and avoid falling into bad habits.

Efficiency over effort: Perfecting your technique means less wasted energy and more focused power with every rep.

✅ Injury prevention: Untamed technique is a recipe for disaster.

Regular feedback keeps you safe and your body performing at its best. ️

✅ Confidence: Knowing you're lifting with precision and control builds unshakeable confidence that pushes you beyond your limits.

A bit like…

MISTAKE #3: No Technical Feedback

Imagine this: you're in your car, behind the wheel, blindfolded, speeding towards a weightlifting competition.

Every turn of the wheel is a guess and a potential disaster.

Would you even consider it?

Of course not!

Yet, so many weightlifters attempt to navigate their training sessions in the same way, relying on guesswork instead of crucial technical feedback.

It's like trying to hit a PR under the bar while blindfolded – at best, riddled with errors, at worst, an injury waiting to happen.

Technical feedback is your training's GPS.

It guides you, corrects your course, and keeps you on the path to progress.

Every lift becomes an opportunity to learn, grow, and refine your technique.

It's not just about avoiding mistakes; it's about maximising your potential and unlocking hidden gains.

Just think:

No more plateaus: By identifying and addressing technical flaws, you can break through frustrating roadblocks and avoid falling into bad habits.

Efficiency over effort: Perfecting your technique means less wasted energy and more focused power with every rep.

✅ Injury prevention: Untamed technique is a recipe for disaster.

Regular feedback keeps you safe and your body performing at its best. ️

✅ Confidence: Knowing you're lifting with precision and control builds unshakeable confidence that pushes you beyond your limits.

A bit like…

Alea Fairchild (Belgium) - “What I love about working with Michaela is that she is constructive and down to earth about what works and what you should be thinking in terms of approach.”

“I had met Michaela before at an international competition, so when I saw she was offering video analysis as a service, I jumped (literally!) at the chance to get some help remotely. What I love about working with her via video is that she is constructive and down to earth about what works and what you should be thinking in terms of approach. I’ve made some great speed improvements working with her in the last three months, and she’s been a helpful part of that process. And she is timely, knowledgeable and proactive with an obvious passion for the sport. So ‘old dog, better tricks’!”

Alea Fairchild (Belgium) - “What I love about working with Michaela is that she is constructive and down to earth about what works and what you should be thinking in terms of approach.”

“I had met Michaela before at an international competition, so when I saw she was offering video analysis as a service, I jumped (literally!) at the chance to get some help remotely. I’ve made some great speed improvements working with her in the last three months, and she’s been a helpful part of that process. And she is timely, knowledgeable and proactive with an obvious passion for the sport. So ‘old dog, better tricks’!

So what's the solution to all these rookie mistakes I just mentioned?

Allow me to introduce you to...

So what's the solution to all these rookie mistakes I just mentioned?

Allow me to introduce you to...

The Team Breeze Inner Circle™️

✅ You can eliminate that fear of going heavy…

✅ And hit that next PR guaranteed, with guidance and support from me, Michaela Breeze Double Olympian and Commonwealth Games Gold Medallist.

The Team Breeze Inner Circle™️ is the first online weightlifting club & methodology of its kind that teaches lifters like you to get under the bar at SPEED…

The Team Breeze Inner Circle™️

✅ You can eliminate that fear of going heavy…

✅ And hit that next PR guaranteed, with guidance and support from me, Michaela Breeze Double Olympian and Commonwealth Games Gold Medallist.

The Team Breeze Inner Circle™️ is the first online weightlifting club & methodology of its kind that teaches lifters like you to get under the bar at SPEED…


The Team Breeze Inner Circle™️ gives you an UNFAIR advantage on your weightlifting goals


The Team Breeze Inner Circle™️ gives you an UNFAIR advantage on your weightlifting goals

Kelly O’Beirne: Overcomes her fear of snatching!

“Wow, what an amazing experience! Not only did I manage to overcome my fear of snatching but I am also leaving feeling so relaxed after a weekend retreat in their stunning home. I have learned how well I can move when I remember that it’s ‘not a pull’, ‘to keep my arms loose’ and ‘to keep the bar low’!”

Kelly O’Beirne: Overcomes her fear of snatching!

“Wow, what an amazing experience! Not only did I manage to overcome my fear of snatching but I am also leaving feeling so relaxed after a weekend retreat in their stunning home. I have learned how well I can move when I remember that it’s ‘not a pull’, ‘to keep my arms loose’ and ‘to keep the bar low’!”

Ken: "I would highly recommend anyone wanting to improve their Olympic lifting to attend"

“You have a way of quickly identifying faults and finding an easy-to-understand solution that you can immediately implement. I would highly recommend anyone wanting to improve their Olympic lifting to attend your training camp as quickly as possible. You will have not regret it. Thanks Michaela for your time and patience.”

Ken: "I would highly recommend anyone wanting to improve their Olympic lifting to attend"

“You have a way of quickly identifying faults and finding an easy-to-understand solution that you can immediately implement. I would highly recommend anyone wanting to improve their Olympic lifting to attend your training camp as quickly as possible. You will have not regret it. Thanks Michaela for your time and patience.”

There’s 4 Reasons Why The Team Breeze Inner Circle™️ is The Holy Grail For Hitting Your Next PR


Unlike other weightlifting programmes and communities where all you get is support from a coach you’ve NEVER heard of, my students get direct access to ME.


Big EGOs don’t get to join. Overpowering ego’s and negativity isn’t tolerated. Which means, everyone feels well supported in the community.


It's all online! So if you've ever wanted to connect with me without travelling to the UK, now you can do so from the comfort of your own home.

Whether you have questions, need advice, or just want to chat, I'm here as your virtual point of contact to help you set new PRs.


You can request specific information and exclusive content, tailored to answer your questions and help you progress with clarity.

My method, cues, and techniques are straightforward and easy to follow, eliminating the need to spend hours scrolling through Instagram for the right video.

Everything you need will be right at your fingertips.

There’s 4 Reasons Why The Team Breeze Inner Circle™️ is The Holy Grail For Hitting Your Next PR


Unlike other weightlifting programmes and communities where all you get is support from a coach you’ve NEVER heard of, my students get direct access to ME.


Big EGOs don’t get to join. Overpowering ego’s and negativity isn’t tolerated. Which means, everyone feels well supported in the community.


It's all online! So if you've ever wanted to connect with me without travelling to the UK, now you can do so from the comfort of your own home.

Whether you have questions, need advice, or just want to chat, I'm here as your virtual point of contact to help you set new PRs.


You can request specific information and exclusive content, tailored to answer your questions and help you progress with clarity.

My method, cues, and techniques are straightforward and easy to follow, eliminating the need to spend hours scrolling through Instagram for the right video.

Everything you need will be right at your fingertips.

So, how soon do you want to hit your next PR??

With the Team Breeze Inner Circle™️ you can finally bust through plateaus, eliminate your lifting fear and get under the bar with confidence, knowing you’re doing it safely!

So, how soon do you want to hit your next PR??

With the Team Breeze Inner Circle™️ you can finally bust through plateaus, eliminate your lifting fear and get under the bar with confidence, knowing you’re doing it safely!

Here’s what else is included when you join The Team Breeze Inner Circle™️ TODAY:

Here’s what else is included when you join The Team Breeze Inner Circle™️ TODAY:

Lift Feedback™️ System:

Go beyond boring technical analysis - get simple, easy to follow feedback that shows you HOW to change your technique, every time.

If you're one of the first 50 athletes to sign up you'll get one lift analysed 100% FREE!

Ever wonder, “Am I doing this right??”

The Lift Feedback™️ System puts an end to:

❌ The technical uncertainty.

❌ Anxiety about holding your technique together when the weight increases.

❌ The looming risk of injury.

PLUS with The Lift Feedback™️ System:

✅ You’ll start breaking plateaus instead of wasting months, or even years trying to hit that PR (you’ll be guided on exactly HOW to move at speed into some great positions)

Leave the trial and error behind: You’ll get simple feedback that shows you the right cues to use in your lifting right away!

✅ Understand how your body moves: become your own coach and make informed adjustments with purpose and precision (avoid an injury that could put you out of the sport for good)

Stop the fear and self-doubt: Once you know exactly where your strong and weak points lie, you'll be able to address them one by one.

✅ As your confidence grows, other lifters may even start seeking your guidance. Enjoy the respect and admiration that comes with being recognised as a knowledgeable weightlifter.

Lift Feedback™️ System:

Go beyond boring technical analysis - get simple, easy to follow feedback that shows you HOW to change your technique, every time.

If you're one of the first 50 athletes to sign up you'll get one lift analysed 100% FREE!

Ever wonder, “Am I doing this right??”

The Lift Feedback™️ System puts an end to:

❌ The technical uncertainty.

❌ Anxiety about holding your technique together when the weight increases.

❌ The looming risk of injury.

PLUS with The Lift Feedback™️ System:

✅ You’ll start breaking plateaus instead of wasting months, or even years trying to hit that PR (you’ll be guided on exactly HOW to move at speed into some great positions)

Leave the trial and error behind: You’ll get simple feedback that shows you the right cues to use in your lifting right away!

✅ Understand how your body moves: become your own coach and make informed adjustments with purpose and precision (avoid an injury that could put you out of the sport for good)

Stop the fear and self-doubt: Once you know exactly where your strong and weak points lie, you'll be able to address them one by one.

✅ As your confidence grows, other lifters may even start seeking your guidance. Enjoy the respect and admiration that comes with being recognised as a knowledgeable weightlifter.

LIVE Monthly Mastermind & Q&A Access to Me:

A private audience with me and some of the top EXPERTS the industry has to offer throughout the year where NO question is off limits.

Retail Value (priceless)

So unlike other programmes, you don’t just get access to one expert to pick their brains, you get access to several!

Stuck on a clean and jerk?

Wondering how to avoid elbow pain?

Get your burning questions answered by Olympic weightlifting pros who've been there, and done it!

They'll share their insights, tips, and tricks to help you crush your PRs and reach your full potential.

Stay Ahead of the Curve: Get the latest insights, tips, and trends within the sport directly from the source, keeping your knowledge and skills razor-sharp.

Catch Up at Your Own Pace with every session recorded: If you miss the live session, you can still reap the benefits. Learn when it's convenient for you, revisiting key points, and solidifying your understanding.

Discover how to create your own ‘Gold Medal Mindset’ (HINT: it has nothing to do with motivation!)

Ask me ANYTHING: Post any question about your weight lifting struggles into the community to get direct answers from me (it's like having an Oly c

LIVE Monthly Mastermind & Q&A Access to Me

A private audience with me and some of the top EXPERTS the industry has to offer throughout the year where NO question is off limits.

Retail Value (priceless)

So unlike other programmes, you don’t just get access to one expert to pick their brains, you get access to several!

Stuck on a clean and jerk?

Wondering how to avoid elbow pain?

Get your burning questions answered by Olympic weightlifting pros who've been there, and done it!

They'll share their insights, tips, and tricks to help you crush your PRs and reach your full potential.

Stay Ahead of the Curve: Get the latest insights, tips, and trends within the sport directly from the source, keeping your knowledge and skills razor-sharp.

Catch Up at Your Own Pace with every session recorded: If you miss the live session, you can still reap the benefits. Learn when it's convenient for you, revisiting key points, and solidifying your understanding.

Discover how to create your own ‘Gold Medal Mindset’ (HINT: it has nothing to do with motivation!)

Ask me ANYTHING: Post any question about your weight lifting struggles into the community to get direct answers from me (it's like having an Oly coach in your back pocket!

Weight Lifting Tekkers SOS Course™️: Crack the code to the perfect snatch, clean & jerk

with my Gold Medal Blueprint training methodology so you never have to guess your way to that PR again.

Retail Value ($397)

Are you:

❌ Frustrated with how you are moving with a barbell?

❌ Too slow getting under the bar?

❌ Catching the bar high and riding it in?

❌ Breaking down when the weights increase?

❌ Power snatching and power cleaning more than you can squat snatch and clean?

❌Struggling to drop in to a deep receiving position at speed?

❌ Stronger than the weights you're able to lift?

❌ Inconsistent when the weights increase?

If you're serious about improving your lifting technique, then this course is exactly what you've have been looking for.

With over 12 hours of video content, I cover everything you need to know about how to snatch, clean & jerk, with great technique following my ‘Technical Excellence Model.’

Weight Lifting Tekkers SOS Course™️: Crack the code to the perfect snatch, clean & jerk

with my Gold Medal Blueprint training methodology so you never have to guess your way to that PR again.

Retail Value ($397)

Are you:

❌ Frustrated with how you are moving with a barbell?

❌ Too slow getting under the bar?

❌ Catching the bar high and riding it in?

❌ Breaking down when the weights increase?

❌ Power snatching and power cleaning more than you can squat snatch and clean?

❌Struggling to drop in to a deep receiving position at speed?

❌ Stronger than the weights you're able to lift?

❌Inconsistent when the weights increase?

If you're serious about improving your lifting technique, then this course is exactly what you've have been looking for.

With over 12 hours of video content, I cover everything you need to know about how to snatch, clean & jerk, with great technique following my ‘Technical Excellence Model.’

PLUS…get these bonuses when you sign up in the next 48 hours...

PLUS…get these bonuses when you sign up in the next 48 hours...

Unlimited access to my ‘Exclusive Content Vault’

I don’t share this content on Instagram or ANYWHERE else other than the Inner Circle™️

(Retail value $197)

Want a simple fix for knee and back pain? This easy foam roller method shows you how.

Ever wonder what the best warm up for snatch, clean and jerk is? I’ll show you my exact step by step protocol.

✅Why you shouldn't trust ALL coaches.

Simple plyometric hacks for boosting your lifts (without the worry of getting injured)

✅ PLUS a LOT more.

Unlimited access to my ‘Exclusive Content Vault’

I don’t share this content on Instagram or ANYWHERE else other than the Inner Circle™️

(Retail value $197)

Want a simple fix for knee and back pain? This easy foam roller method shows you how.

Ever wonder what the best warm up for snatch, clean and jerk is? I’ll show you my exact step by step protocol.

✅Why you shouldn't trust ALL coaches.

Simple plyometric hacks for boosting your lifts (without the worry of getting injured)

✅ PLUS a LOT more.

Functional Mobility for Weightlifting Course

Imagine how you'd feel if you could; 

Achieve great squat depth? Hit a great overhead squat position? Hold a front rack position with ease? Achieve a neutral back in the start position?

(Retail value $97)

This quick and simple course will show you how to do all of the above.

Feel like a boss on the platform, walk up to the bar with total confidence, knowing you've got this (forget worrying about hitting that deep squat or injuring your shoulders with poor mobility)

Functional Mobility for Weightlifting Course

Imagine how you'd feel if you could; 

Achieve great squat depth? Hit a great overhead squat position? Hold a front rack position with ease? Achieve a neutral back in the start position?

(Retail value $97)

This quick and simple course will show you how to do all of the above.

Feel like a boss on the platform, walk up to the bar with total confidence, knowing you've got this (forget worrying about hitting that deep squat or injuring your shoulders with poor mobility)

Glute Activation Programme

(Retail value $97)

✅ Reach a new level of strength and explosiveness in every movement.

Transform your lifts and workouts: Imagine heavy squats and deadlifts feeling lighter - you’ll wonder how you got by without this programme.

Break through plateaus: Activating your glutes could be the missing link between you and that next PR…this simple programme shows you how.

Glute Activation Programme

(Retail value $97)

✅ Reach a new level of strength and explosiveness in every movement.

Transform your lifts and workouts: Imagine heavy squats and deadlifts feeling lighter - you’ll wonder how you got by without this programme.

Break through plateaus: Activating your glutes could be the missing link between you and that next PR…this simple programme shows you how.

Access to compete in 4 x Virtual Competitions throughout the year

(Retail value $396)

✅ No more gym boredom! Crush your lifting goals with fun, friendly virtual competitions throughout the year. Get that extra push to train hard and see your progress without the need to travel or feel out of your comfort zone.

Stay connected and motivated with other lifters - Virtual competitions are your chance to challenge yourself, celebrate wins together, and learn from each other.

✅ If you're nervous about competing you can join from the comfort of your own gym WITHOUT the stress of travelling.

Access to compete in 4 x Virtual Competitions throughout the year

(Retail value $396)

✅ No more gym boredom! Crush your lifting goals with fun, friendly virtual competitions throughout the year. Get that extra push to train hard and see your progress without the need to travel or feel out of your comfort zone.

Stay connected and motivated with other lifters - Virtual competitions are your chance to challenge yourself, celebrate wins together, and learn from each other.

✅ If you're nervous about competing you can join from the comfort of your own gym WITHOUT the stress of travelling.

That's $1,184 worth of bonuses FREE when you join The Team Breeze Inner Circle™️ TODAY

That's $1,184 worth of bonuses FREE when you join The Team Breeze Inner Circle™️ TODAY

If you were to buy all the bonuses separately you'd be shelling out $1,184...

And let's not forget the exclusive access you'll be getting to me, inside the community every day...

That's direct access to ME and a supportive community of other lifters who all share a common goal. To be the best they can be.

That's why the price isn't anywhere near $1184.

In fact, the price is not even a fraction of that because if you act today...

You’ll get instant access for just

$47 a month

(prices going up soon)

Start TODAY for FREE

You’ll get instant access for just

$47 a month (prices increasing SOON)

join RISK free for 7 days

I know, this is much less than what you would expect from such a service.

But I want to make The Inner Circle available to everyone.

And I want to help as many people around the world hit their next PR.

That’s why I don’t want price to be an issue.

But there's more...


Join us for 7 days, 100% risk FREE, access EVERYTHING over the next week and if you aren't 100% blown away by The Team Breeze Inner Circle™️, simply cancel your subscription within 7 days by emailing me at:

If you were to buy all the bonuses separately you'd be shelling out $1,184...

And let's not forget the exclusive access you'll be getting to me, inside the community every day...

That's direct access to ME and a supportive community of other lifters who all share a common goal. To be the best they can be.

That's why the price isn't anywhere near $1184.

In fact, the price is not even a fraction of of that because if you act today,

you’ll get instant access for just $47 a month if you join us in the next 48 hours.

I know, this is much less than what you would expect from such a service.

But I want to make The Inner Circle available to everyone.

And I want to help as many people around the world hit their next PR.

That’s why I don’t want price to be an issue.

But there's more...


Join us for 7 days, 100% risk FREE, access EVERYTHING over the next week and if you aren't 100% blown away by The Team Breeze Inner Circle™️, simply cancel your subscription within 7 days by emailing me at:

Here’s what I want you to do next:

Here’s what I want you to do next:

Step #1: Do this now

Start by clicking HERE!

I'll need to grab a few details from you like your name, address and phone number - this is so I can make sure your order is 100% secure.

Make sure your email address is correct so you can get instant access to The Inner Circle™️

Step #1: Do this now

Start by clicking HERE!

I'll need to grab a few details from you like your name, address and phone number - this is so I can make sure your order is 100% secure.

Make sure your email address is correct so you can get instant access to The Inner Circle™️

Once you’ve filled out your details, your spot inside The Team Breeze Inner Circle™️ will be prepared for you.

Simply enter your payment details for instant access to join us (don't worry - you'll get a FULL 7 days 100% free)

Step #2: Here’s what will happen next

Step #2: Here’s what will happen next

Once you’ve filled out your details, your spot inside The Team Breeze Inner Circle™️ will be prepared for you.

Simply enter your payment details for instant access to join us (don't worry - you'll get a FULL 7 days 100% free)

Step # 3: Are you ready?

If so, today is your opportunity to rise to the challenge and transform your lifts.

This is for those who seize great opportunities, take action, and refuse to procrastinate.

Don't wait for another day—act now.

Step # 3: Are you ready?

If so, today is your opportunity to rise to the challenge and transform your lifts.

This is for those who seize great opportunities, take action, and refuse to procrastinate.

Don't wait for another day—act now.

The way I see it, you have 3 options from here…

The way I see it, you have 3 options from here…

Option 1

Ignore everything you've just read and change nothing. If you decide to take this path, remember the old saying, "If you do what you always did, you'll get what you always got."

Option 2

Try to improve your lifts through "trial and error."

Fly solo with the attitude "throw it at the wall" and see what sticks.

You may reach your goal at some point with this approach, but not without countless frustrations and setbacks that leave you on the verge of giving up or injuring yourself.

Or, the smartest option…

Option 3

Skip all the frustration and take charge of your lifting by investing in The Team Breeze Inner Circle™️ today.

Lift, based on a tried and tested method, at any age or level of experience. Learn how to move with technical precision, and hit your next guaranteed PR.

To join The Team Breeze Inner Circle™️, click the button below.

Fill out your personal information.

Enter your payment details.

And just like that. You'll get instant access.

You’ll be able to start your new lifting journey within minutes of ordering!

I've never been more excited and proud about one of my programmes than as I am now.

And I can't wait for you to enjoy the life-changing results you'll get by investing in yourself today.

Option 1

Ignore everything you've just read and change nothing. If you decide to take this path, remember the old saying, "If you do what you always did, you'll get what you always got."

Option 2

Try to improve your lifts through "trial and error."

Fly solo with the attitude "throw it at the wall" and see what sticks.

You may reach your goal at some point with this approach, but not without countless frustrations and setbacks that leave you on the verge of giving up or injuring yourself.

Or, the smartest option…

Option 3

Skip all the frustration and take charge of your lifting by investing in The Team Breeze Inner Circle™️ today.

Lift, based on a tried and tested method, at any age or level of experience. Learn how to move with technical precision, and hit your next guaranteed PR.

To join The Team Breeze Inner Circle™️, click the button below.

Fill out your personal information.

Enter your payment details.

And just like that. You'll get instant access.

You’ll be able to start your new lifting journey within minutes of ordering!

I've never been more excited and proud about one of my programmes than as I am now.

And I can't wait for you to enjoy the life-changing results you'll get by investing in yourself today.

More Love From My In-Person Clients...

More Love From My In-Person Clients...

Speed under the bar could be your game changer – Alex Barbier explains WHY!

Weightlifting isn't just about muscle, it's about mastering your mind. Kim Lilli explains how my coaching has helped...

Speed under the bar could be your game changer – Alex Barbier explains WHY!

Weightlifting isn't just about muscle, it's about mastering your mind. Kim Lilli explains how my coaching has helped...

Becky & Martin: "No more fear of falling behind: At Team Breeze, everyone starts and grows together!"

A little nervousness goes a long way: Lucy Gourlay discovers the strength in starting her journey with others just like her!

Becky & Martin: "No more fear of falling behind: At Team Breeze, everyone starts and grows together!"

A little nervousness goes a long way: Lucy Gourlay discovers the strength in starting her journey with others just like her!

Lottie Miles: "From Bronze to World Stage: How Mich's Coaching Transformed My Game & Took Me to the Top!"

Emma Gill Reveals Her

Journey from CrossFit to Precision Olympic Lifting Mastery!"

Lottie Miles: "From Bronze to World Stage: How Mich's Coaching Transformed My Game & Took Me to the Top!"

Emma Gill Reveals Her Journey from CrossFit to Precision Olympic Lifting Mastery!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. "Exactly what access do I get to you?"

You can post your questions about ANYTHING you like into the community and I'll answer them all one by one - you don't have direct message access to me - this is available at a higher investment.

2. "I'm already juggling a million things, how can I fit this in?"

I completely understand! Life can be hectic, and finding time for anything new can feel overwhelming.

That’s why with The Team Breeze Inner Circle™️, you can go at your own pace…dip in and out whenever it suits you.

3. "Will this really turn me into a weightlifting wizard?"

With countless programs and coaches making big promises, I understand your scepticism.

That's why, if you follow my advice, you'll see noticeable improvements. Just take a look at the results achieved by my clients on this page.

4. “What if I end up getting injured?”

While no one can guarantee you won't experience injuries and niggles at some point, my aim is to reduce the risk by helping you master the technical aspects of the lifts for safety and efficiency.

5. "Is this just another one-size-fits-all cookie-cutter situation?”

No! If it were, you wouldn't have access to me answering your questions whenever you ask them.

I'm here to ensure you receive answers to all the questions and frustrations that may be on your mind or holding you back.

6. "Can online coaching really replace a coach in the flesh?"

Absolutely! Since COVID hit, I've revamped my approach to support lifters and CrossFitters worldwide.

My coaching style is clear, concise, and easily demonstrable.

Having observed numerous coaches in person, I've seen first hand the difference effective communication can make.

Ultimately, a coach's effectiveness boils down to their ability to communicate well.

7. “I don’t want to be tied to a monthly contract…can I cancel any time?”

While results do take time, I recommend fully immersing yourself and engaging with my community for a few months to experience the full benefits.

However, your comfort and peace of mind are important to me. You can cancel anytime before your next payment is due, without any pressure or hassle.

8. "Is there a free trial?"

YES! There is a 7 day FREE you won't be paying a single cent today.

9. “When are the live events?”

On the first Thursday of every month at 19:30 UK time.

10. “I’ve got an injury, can I still join?”

I encourage you to see injuries as an opportunity in disguise.

Though they can be tough, view your time off as a chance to address small aspects of your lifting that you might have overlooked.

The goal is to return stronger and better than before.

There's plenty of content available for you to work through and learn from during this challenging period.

Additionally, the support from the group can help keep you on track psychologically.

The final question is…

Frequently Asked Questions

1. "Exactly what access do I get to you?"

You can post your questions about ANYTHING you like into the community and I'll answer them all one by one - you don't have direct message access to me - this is available at a higher investment.

2. "I'm already juggling a million things, how can I fit this in?"

I completely understand! Life can be hectic, and finding time for anything new can feel overwhelming.

That’s why with The Team Breeze Inner Circle™️, you can go at your own pace…dip in and out whenever it suits you.

3. "Will this really turn me into a weightlifting wizard?"

With countless programs and coaches making big promises, I understand your scepticism.

That's why, if you follow my advice, you'll see noticeable improvements. Just take a look at the results achieved by my clients on this page.

4. “What if I end up getting injured?”

While no one can guarantee you won't experience injuries and niggles at some point, my aim is to reduce the risk by helping you master the technical aspects of the lifts for safety and efficiency.

5. "Is this just another one-size-fits-all cookie-cutter situation?”

No! If it were, you wouldn't have access to me answering your questions whenever you ask them.

I'm here to ensure you receive answers to all the questions and frustrations that may be on your mind or holding you back.

6. "Can online coaching really replace a coach in the flesh?"

Absolutely! Since COVID hit, I've revamped my approach to support lifters and CrossFitters worldwide.

My coaching style is clear, concise, and easily demonstrable.

Having observed numerous coaches in person, I've seen first hand the difference effective communication can make.

Ultimately, a coach's effectiveness boils down to their ability to communicate well.

7. “I don’t want to be tied to a monthly contract…can I cancel any time?”

While results do take time, I recommend fully immersing yourself and engaging with my community for a few months to experience the full benefits.

However, your comfort and peace of mind are important to me. You can cancel anytime before your next payment is due, without any pressure or hassle.

8. "Is there a free trial?"

YES! There is a 7 day FREE you won't be paying a single cent today.

9. “When are the live events?”

On the first Thursday of every month at 19:30 UK time.

10. “I’ve got an injury, can I still join?”

I encourage you to see injuries as an opportunity in disguise.

Though they can be tough, view your time off as a chance to address small aspects of your lifting that you might have overlooked.

The goal is to return stronger and better than before.

There's plenty of content available for you to work through and learn from during this challenging period.

Additionally, the support from the group can help keep you on track psychologically.

The final question is…

Do you want to discover how to get under the bar FAST and hit that next PR guaranteed?